
September '19
Summer is coming to an end and everyone has to face up to their daily issues and tasks again. But fall will be exciting for sure! In our month´s newsletter we want to introduce you our brand new IndustryArena eMagazine. The current edition was created for the first time in cooperation with the CTE and we are pleased to present this joint work to you today. Our brand new IndustryArena eMagazine is all about digital platforms and smart technologies. And we have some more interesting topics about CNC machining for you. For example: Our video of the month was published by the Titans of CNC. And we want to introduce you the next important trade shows in North America.

Topics in this newsletter:

Exciting Articles in the Current eMagazine

For sure there are many interesting topics in our current IndustryArerna eMagazine. to give you a first enlightening overview, we want to introduce you a few highlights:

IndustryArena eMagazine 9/2019   IndustryArena eMagazine 9/2019   IndustryArena eMagazine 9/2019
Moving Ahead with Multitaskers
Trumpf is Expanding the Scope of 3D Printing
Robot Arm Reaches for Milling Goals

Read in our magazine about the advantages of automating processes with a multitask machine tool. Find out how additive manufacturing processes fit seamlessly into state-of-the-art manufacturing systems in use today, with the benefit of digital connectivity. Learn more about the advantages of adding a robot to a CNC lathe and about many other exciting topics.

If you visit us on the EMO 2019 in Hanover (hall 9, booth E24) you can receive a freshly printed version of our eMagazine for free! We hope you enjoy reading it.

IoT in Production

IoT in Production

As the largest innovation platform in the industry, EMO Hannover 2019 reflects the growing importance of digitization in its motto "Smart technologies driving tomorrow's production!" The industry highlight of the year closes the gap between traditional metalworking and machine networking.

The (Trade) Shows Must Go On

IoT in Production

The summer break in the western hemisphere is over and important trade shows for industry are on schedule for fall. In Europe all atention is on the EMO 2019 in Hanover / Germany but North America starts after the summer break with several fairs as well.
Over the next several months, a number of significant North American trade shows for metalworking professionals are scheduled to take place: Westec, the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show, the Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show, Southtec and Fabtech.

HEIDENHAIN at EMO 2019 - New TNC functions for accurate, dynamic and efficient manufacturing

Optimized Contour Milling

The new functions of the TNC 640 let you master complex production processes with ease. Optimized Contour Milling (OCM) is the next generation of trochoidal milling.
You can program any pocket or island from the control on the shop floor, and the TNC 640 will automatically calculate the best trochoidal strategy. As a result, you can deploy highly efficient trochoidal milling for a much wider range of parts. In the future, the TNC 640 will also enable jig grinding in a single setup. The control’s optimized tool management functionality supports you in every process, including dressing operations.

Video of the Month: King of Roughing - The KOR 5 from Kennametal

Titans of CNC

This month our video is presented by Titans of CNC. It´s about the "king of roughing". For sure many of our members know the Titans and its founder Titan Gilroy. And if you like to meet Titan Gilroy in personal, you have the chance on the EMO 2019 in Hanover.

Titans of CNC

If you would like to have a selfie with him you can find him from Monday to Friday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm at the booth of BLASER SWISSLUBE (hall 6, booth J60).

Our Top Forum Threads

The summertime is slowly over and the discussions in our forum have also intensified in the past weeks. As every month we would like to introduce you the most interesting topics of our members of the last four weeks.

Here are our 7 most viewed forum threads of the last month:

And other thread topics are not less interesting than these seven. Feel free, to read and comment in our forum and connect with likeminded people around the world.

Used Machinery Marketplace

Are you looking for a used machine? Take a look at our used machinery market, no matter if you need one for hobby or professional. Filter among more than 7,200 products by machine type, operating hours or price to find the machine you are searching for, quickly and precisely.

Our monthly selection of current used machines
Brother TC-324N EUROBOOR ECO 1004
Brother TC-324N EUROBOOR ECO 1004
Machining Centers (Vertical) Drilling machines

Our Unanswered Forum Threads

Some problems about cnc machining that are posted in our forums can be solved easily, others are much more complicated. This can be a reason why always a few threads remain unanswered every month. But maybe there are several experts among us who would have a solution for these unsolved problems but haven´t read the thread. We want to give five unanswered threads again the possibility to receive answers.

7 forum threads that haven´t been answered yet:

And of course there are some more unanswered questions in our forum. You can find them via the following link.

Our Top Forum Posters

We´re always proud that our esteemed community uses our forum for eager discussions and helping each other. Without our forums for sure some problems of our members would never haven been solved and a lot of machines would never have been finished because of missing knowledege about CNC machining. So, it´s time to honor again our top posters of the last four weeks.

You are welcome to take a look at our top posters of the last month:

108 posts
123 posts
 89 posts

Our new member Mecanix reached the top position on the podium with very impressive 123 posts in his first month of his membership, congratulations. And thanks to everyone who participates our forum discussions.

Advertise with CNCzone

Please, don't hesitate to contact us, if you need detailed information about our services.
contact Kyle Wennick - Sales Manager
[email protected]
Further information
Find out more about online advertising opportunities, products and services with CNCzone.com or IndustryArena.com.

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